Environmental Testing

For reliable product development product evaluation under simulated conditions of user environment is must. Environmental testing has therefore become a part and parcel of each stage in the product development cycle starting from Design through Prototype / Engineering model fabrication and final production offs: Environmental testing tools (both climatic and mechanical durability and electrical endurance) are used not only to evaluate the final product performance but also to built quality into the product through stress screening of PCB’s, Sub Modules & Modules as well. All these are necessary to avoid unwanted and costly field failures.

Establishing and maintaining environmental test facilities being quite expensive. Government of India at its own cost has set-up this Test Centre, ETDC-Bangalore, to render services and help industries in their product development.

Test Parameter Test Method / Standard

Cold Test

IS 9000 (Part II/Sec 1 to 4) 2013  , IEC 68-2-1:2007

JSS 50101:1996 &  JSS 55555:2012

MIL-STD 202G:2002

MIL 810G:2014

QM 333/Issue-2010

Dry Heat Test

IS 9000:(Part III/Sec 1 to 5) 2010,


QM 333/Issue-2010

Temperature cyclic test

IS 9000 (Part 14):2015

IEC 68-2-14: NB:2009

JSS 50101:1996

JSS 55555:2012

MIL-STD 202G:2002

MIL 810G:2014

QM 333/Issue-2010


Temperature shock

IS 9000 (Pt 14):2015

IEC 68-2-14-NC:2009

JSS 50101:1996

JSS 55555:2012

MIL-STD 202G:2002

MIL 810G:2014

QM 333/Issue-2010

Damp heat steady state

IS 9000 (Pt IV):2015

IEC 68-2-78:2012

JSS 50101:1996

JSS 55555:2012

Damp heat cyclic test

IS 9000 (Pt V):2010

IEC 68-2-30:2005

MIL-STD 202G:2002

MIL 810G:2014

QM 333/Issue-2010

Salt spray test

IS 9000 (Pt XI):2010

JSS 50101:1996

JSS 55555:2012

MIL-STD 202G:2002

MIL 810G:2014

QM 333/Issue-2010


Dust test

IS 9000 (Pt XII):2010

JSS 50101:1996

JSS 55555:2012

QM 333/Issue-2010

Composite Temperature Humidity test

IS 900 (Pt VI):2010

JSS 50101:1996

JSS 55555:2012


IS 9000(Pt VIII):2015

IEC 68-2-6:2007

JSS 50101:1996

JSS 55555:2012

MIL-STD 202G:2002

MIL 810G:2014

QM 333/Issue-2010

Bump Test

IS 9000 (Pt VII/sec 2):2013

IEC 68-2-29:

JSS 50101:1996

JSS 55555:2012

QM 333/Issue-2010

Drop , Free fall & Topple tests

IS 9000

(Pt VII/Sec 3 & 4:2013)

QM 333/Issue-2010

Major Products Tested

  • Electrical / Electronic products
  • Telecom products
  • Power products such as UPS, SMPS and Power Supplies etc.,
  • IT products such as 2D Barcode Scanner, Multifunction Printers ,Synchronous Multiplexer , Laptops, and portable tablet computers etc.,
  • Defence / Air force / Navy products
  • Prototype products
  • Chemical / Mechanical Products