Equipment Testing

Equipment Test Lab.

Test Packages /Items

Specialized Testing of power modules

PM1 to PM 20.

(Used in Satellite Launch Vehicles)

Specialized Testing of Data Acquisition units


(Used in Satellite Launch Vehicles)

Specialized Testing of Advanced Telemetry System Stacks

Different types of Stacks

(Used in Satellite Launch Vehicles)

Testing of Equipment

UPS, Inverter, Power supply

List of Major Facilities

Equipment name Make/Model

Power Analyzer

Voltek-PM 3300,Infratek-106A

Automatic checkouts for specialized testing of packages

· Power Module checkout(ERTL)

· DAU Checkout (VSSC)

· ATS Stack Checkout(VSSC)

· CEM/SLRU checkout(VSSC)


Fluke 8455A , Keithley 2000

High Resistance Meter

Agilent 4339b.

Power Supply

GWINSTEK PST 3202, TDK-Lambda ZUP 36-6

Programmable DC source

Yokogawa 7651